Search Engine Optimization of Scandesigns
Scandesigns is a leading web design and ecommerce web development company based in Copenhagen, Denmark. They can customize, Drupal, joomla, Magento, OScommerce and Typo3 content management system (CMS) according to your requirements. We were given the task to get the top ranking on Google for several keywords. Most of the keywords were not between the first 500 results of We worked on onsite and offsite optimization to get the desired results.
Now ranks not only on the first page of but aslo on the first position for several keywords. Some of the keywords are “hjemmeside”, “hjemmesider” “hjemmeside design”, “web design”, “joomla”, “drupal”, “magento”, “typo3”, “webshop design”, “joomla webdesign”, “joomla webshop”, “professionel webshop”, “drupal webdesign”, “drupal webshop”, “typo3 webdesign” , “typo3 webshop”, “magento webdesign”, “magento webshop”, “magento cms”, “webshops”, “webshop”, “webdesign”, intranet, ekstranet, umbraco, cms webdesign and many more.
What we did?
SEO Results